Argentine challenger
Jose Hugo Acevedo
became the new World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) Intercontinental
Welterweight champion
when he dethroned
Lucas Migotti...
Three new World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
champions were crowned
on Saturday night,
November 9. Two in
France, and one in
Zimbabwe. In Sanvignes
Les Mines, France...
19-year-old World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) Intercontinental
Welterweight champion
Lucas Migotti will
make his first defense
against Argentina's
Jose Hugo “Chinito”
Artur Mann is the new
World Boxing
Federation (WBF) world
Cruiserweight champion
after winning the
vacant title on
Saturday, November 2,
in Bad Hersfeld,
Local boxer Hassan
“Starboy” Milanzi will
fight Malawi´s
Clifford Antafu for
the vacant World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) International
Super Bantamweight
title on November...
World Boxing
Federation (WBF) title
fights are set to take
place in France on
Saturday November 9,
headlining cards in
Sanvignes Les Mines
and Reims...
South Korean World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) Asia Pacific
Lightweight ruler Min
Hyuk Jang will defend
his title against
Thailand's Wachirasak
Waiyawong on November
2 at the...
Germany´s Artur
“Thunderman” Mann will
take on undefeated
Romanian Ion Mihai
Desrobitu for the
vacant World Boxing
Federation (WBF) world
Cruiserweight title...
South African Akani
Sambu was dominant,
although a bit rusty
after a years lay-off,
when he retained the
World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
Bantamweight title..
World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
Bantamweight Champion
Akani Sambu is ready
to defend his belt on
Friday, October 11,
Thaba Moshate Casino
a big card promoted by
Stephen Vaughan Jr. at
the Intercontinental
Hotel in St. Julians,
Malta, broadcast Live
by DAZN and FightZone,
two new World Boxing
Senad Gashi, 31-4 (3),
from Germany became
the first ever World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) World
Bridgerweight champion
when he stopped
Reynaldo Gonzalez,
sure-fire future star
of South African
boxing, Asekho Nocele
won the vacant World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) International
Bantamweight title on
Friday night in...
Considered one of the
top prospects in South
African boxing,
undefeated 20-year-old
Asekho Nocele is ready
to fight for his first
championship in only
his sixth pro bout...
Muhammad Waseem
vs. Sabelo Cebekhulu
for the vacant World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) world
Bantamweight title is
the main event of a
huge show...
World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
championship boxing
returns to South
Africa on Friday
August 30, when fans
are welcomed to a big
show at the Vibrant
Sports Complex in...
Zimbabwean prospect
Tatenda Biningu won
his second World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) belt on Saturday
night in Harare,
beating Tanzanian
Sadiki Momba for the
Jayson “Smasher” Mama
won the vacant World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) International
Super Flyweight title
on Thursday, July 11,
in Malungon,
Former All-Africa
Super Bantamweight
champion Tatenda
Biningu, 14-1 (8),
continues his climb up
the ranks, when he
goes for his second
World Boxing
Federation (WBF) title...
Filipinos Jayson Mama
and Carlo Demecillo
will fight for the
vacant World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
International Super
Flyweight title on
July 11 at the Sunken
Arena in Malungon...
19-year-old Frenchman
Lucas Migotti passed
his biggest test to
date on Saturday
night, June 8, when he
defeated Denis Madry
from Poland for the
vacant World Boxing
Anthony Riviere won
the vacant World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) International
Lightweight title on
Friday night, June 7,
when he defeated rival
Alain Christian Sangue
in Blagnac...
World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
Turkey representative
Ferdi Kali was born in
February of 1982 in
Kigi, Turkey. The
following is a quick
interview, intoducing
him as a valuable...
World Boxing
Federation (WBF) title
fights top the bill
when Bear Boxing
Promotions presents
“Colosseum Fight
Night” at the
Hochlandhalle in
Weilheim, Bayern,
Frenchman Florian
Bruneval will fight
Czech champion Milan
Prochazka (42) for the
vacant World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
Middleweight title on
June 21 at the..
undefeated Germans
will fight each other
for the vacant World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) International
Super Featherweight
title on Saturday,
June 1, at the SWH
19-year-old Lucas
Migotti, 8-1 (4), gets
a chance to show that
he is a man for the
future, when he fights
for his first title,
the vacant World
Boxing Federation
Frenchman Anthony
Riviere, 12-6-1 (2),
is looking to settle
the score, and to
become a champion
again, when he fights
compatriot Alain
Sangue, 14-9-2 (3), in
a rubber-match for...
Phannarai Netisri is
still the World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
Womens World Super
Bantamweight champion
after successfully
retaining her title on
Wednesday night, May 1...
Thailand-based Kazakh
Angelina Lukas became
the World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
Womens World Super
Flyweight champion on
Thursday, April 25,
when she defeated
Dilara “She Wolf”
Yucel from Turkey won
the vacant World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) Womens world
Super Welterweight
title with a
convincing performance
The Vibrant Sports
Studio in Cape Town,
South Africa set the
scene for a night of
professional boxing,
Friday April 19,
promoted by Jackie
Brice Boxing
Promotions and
With two big punchers
fighting for the
vacant World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
Intercontinental Light
Heavyweight title, a
stoppage for either
man was more or less
expected on...
Jackie Brice Boxing
Promotions presents a
World Boxing
Federation (WBF) All
Africa championship
twin-bill on April 19
in Cape Town, South
Africa. Joshua
Pretorius, fighting...
Sweden´s Oscar “Golden
Boy” Ahlin will face
Michal Ryba from the
Czech Republic for the
vacant World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
Intercontinental Light
Heavyweight title...
Saturday March 30 was
a massive World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
championship evening,
with six title fights
taking place in South
Africa, Netherlands
and Albania...
South Africa-based
Congolese Jason Medi
was excellent in
winning the vacant
World Boxing
Federation (WBF) All
Africa Light
Heavyweight title on
Wednesday night, March...
22-year-old undefeated
German star Sarah
Liegmann is the new
World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
Womens World
champion. On Saturday
night, March 23...
Ugandan-born Dutch
Heavyweight Willy
Kyakonye, 7-0 (6), is
closing in on his
careers first
professional title
fight on March 30. At
the Sporthal de...
South Africa-based
Congolese warriors
will clash for the
vacant World Boxing
Federation (WBF) All
Africa Light
Heavyweight title on
March 27 at the
A busy Saturday, March
9, saw four new World
Boxing Federation
(WBF) champions
crowned, three in
Germany and one in
Spain. At the LEO´s
Boxgym in Munich...
front of a packed
Gymnase Claudius
Caillot in Betheny,
France, local hero
Ibrahim Traore just
came up short in his
bid to win the vacant
World Boxing
Federation (WBF)...
World Boxing
Federation (WBF) Asia
Pacific Featherweight
champion Jae Sung Song
retained his title in
devastating fashion on
Sunday, February 11,
in his native South
South Africa vs.
Tanzania match-ups
will decide two vacant
World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
titles on February 17
in Escort,
KwaZulu-Natal, South
Former world champion
Alina Shaternikova has
been appointed as the
WBF representative for
the Ukraine. WBF
President Howard
Goldberg was delighted
with the...
Former world champion
Stevie Morgan is back
in the title-picture
after capturing the
vacant World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
Lightweight title on
Friday afternoon...
World Boxing
Federation (WBF) Asia
Pacific Featherweight
champion Jae Sung Song
is ready to make the
second defense of his
title on February 11
in Taebaek, South...
Aram Faniian won the
vacant World Boxing
Federation (WBF) world
Light Welterweight
title in spectacular
fashion on Saturday
night, January 20, in
Kyiv, Ukraine...
American Stevie
Morgan, 12-1 (11), is
set to fight for the
vacant World Boxing
Federation (WBF)
Lightweight title on
January 26 in Bogota,
We are sad to report
that the World Boxing
Federation (WBF), and
boxing, has lost one
of its nicest and most
genuine men in Eddie
Marshall from South
Africa. WBF President...
Ukrainian Aram Faniian
is set to Face
Mexico´s Francisco
Mercado for the vacant
World Boxing
Federation (WBF) world
Light Welterweight
title on January 20.
Faniian vs...
Germany´s Elina Tissen
(37) won the vacant
World Boxing
Federation (WBF) world
Featherweight title on
Saturday, January 6,
at the Stadthalle
Muenster Hiltrup in