The World Boxing Federation (WBF), originally established in 1988 in the USA, was one of the world’s busiest professional boxing sanctioning organizations during the 90ies until being forced to dissolve in 2004. After a five-year interregnum period, the WBF was re-established in 2009 as a bona-fide non-profit sports organization and is now properly registered in South Africa.

Howard Goldberg, from Cape Town, South Africa, a former world class referee and judge, was voted as the fourth president in the WBF’s history and subsequently re-elected in 2014. Under Goldberg’s leadership, together with the late former Executive Director Olaf Schroeder (Germany), former Vice President Jean Marcel Nartz (Germany) and current Vice President Torben Seemann Hansen (Denmark), the WBF not only regained but actually exceeded its former status.

Despite strictly maintaining just four titles per division (World, Intercontinental, International and Regional), the WBF has sanctioned over 2000 championship contests since being re-founded in 2009. WBF title bouts has taken place on every continent of the globe, bar Antarctica.

We support numerous promoters to allow them to participate in championship boxing because they were avoided elsewhere. WBF World Conventions has become a regular feature and brought across a fresh message to the boxing world, which fast grew tired of old and corrupted ways.

Photo: The two first WBF Presidents Larry Carrier (right) and Ron Scalf.

In fact, the WBF has become so successful that others has tried jumping on the band-wagon by copying our three-letter abbreviation and trademark blue belts after creating so-called “organizations” which in reality are just private websites. But there’s only one World Boxing Federation, whose future looks bright, while the imposters are merely a side note nobody cares about.

We have an abundance of plans and ideas for the future of the sport and with us boxing and the boxers will always come first. We have merely started and in the years to come we will aim at the very top. The World Boxing Federation is here to stay.

  WBF Presidents
1988 - 1989 :   Larry Carrier (USA).
1989 - 2003 :   Ron Scalf (USA).
2003 - 2004 :   Jonathan Feld (England).
2004 - 2009 :   Interregnum.
2009 -         :   Howard Goldberg (South Africa).
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